Current Crypto Insights, News and Ideas:
-Crypto Markets: Galore Ending in 2022?
-Binance's Symptoms of health. Really healthy?
-The Celebrities & NFT Imbroglio.
-DeFi + Crypto = Good for Society.
- 10000 BTC from MTGox hack on the move...
-FTX Contagion: how bad is it?
-Hard to accept: Inevitable Bear Market, long winter.
-Non Fungible Tokens: Too Big To ignore? Too Big to Fail?
-Bitcoin has no problem with deflation.
-IMF's change of tone regarding Crypto.
-"I don't believe in Bitcoin but I believe in blockchain...How can I invest in Blockchain? "
-Why Blockchain matters more than you think? (written IN Oct 2017)
-The things old crypto adherents forget to tell new-comers. (soon)
-Bitcoin, invincible king, perennial digital gold with many flaws. (soon)